Manage your photo library with Piwigo

Piwigo is open source photo management software. Manage, organize and share your photo easily on the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.

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version 14.4.0 1 month ago

Piwigo 14.4.0 1 month ago

Latest activity 1 day 22 hours ago

Thousands of organizations and millions of individuals love using Piwigo

Why choose Piwigo?

High Volume

Piwigo shines when it comes to classifying thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos.


Born in 2002, Piwigo has been supporting its users for more than 22 years. Always evolving!

Open Source

Source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable thanks to plugins and themes.

Beautiful photo galleries created with Piwigo

Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
Photothèque Touristique du Lot
Winchester City Council
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon

They love Piwigo


My customers ask to have a private, online folder with their stories. I also have media folders, which contain public archives but whose HD files are only available to authorized users. Uploading is super-easy, very automatic and the presentation is perfect. The presentation and download options are very well thought out. I use PWG Stuff for my home page, SmartAlbums, SocialButtons, Community, LocalFileEditor... there are many plugins to choose from, and everyone can create their own ideal gallery. I have over 74,000 HD photos in the gallery. In use, Piwigo makes you forget about it and saves you time.

Eric Fabre

Photographers & individuals France

As a member of basketball club in Rennes, I set up Piwigo to manage our team's many photos. Today, there are some 19,000 photos in public mode, and even more in private mode! and there's more to come. Managing albums and, above all, tags is a real pleasure, especially when it comes to easily finding the right photo to illustrate our website or create a specific poster or flyer. Private access also gives privileged access to our graphic designer, who can retrieve the original photos and work on them. Many thanks to the Piwigo team, and to all the authors of the plugins from which we can pick and choose according to our needs!

Benoît Rozec, Union Rennes Basket 35

Non Profits France

We are an all volunteer religious organization that produces lots of media. Piwigo is perfect to manage all of the images we produce as well as our own stock images used in production. The large plugin library allows us to use Piwigo in a way that exactly suits our workflow. And the ease of use means that not only can volunteers use the site with practically no training, but the administrative work in maintaining the site is negligible. And just like in any organization, it is the people behind it that makes Piwigo such an amazing resource.

Anonymous Religious Organization

Non Profits Sri Lanka

Great. Fast, clear, huge range of functions and yet easy to use. And the incredible thing: it's free!

Jo Mueller

Photographers & individuals Germany

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